“My Tooth Fell Out!” And Other Dental Emergencies

Dental Emergency New York N.Y. So there you are, having just another normal day, when kablooey! Someone accidently bumps your face, and you feel a hard object being propelled from your mouth and onto the floor. Dislodged teeth happen in a variety of situations, and this is just one of many problems that require emergency dental services.

Severe Infections

Imagine waking up on a lovely spring day ready to enjoy your weekend when the side of your face suddenly starts throbbing. You rush to the bathroom to inspect your face and notice that you have a swollen tooth. You then realize that the throbbing is coming from your tooth. Chances are that you have an infection or abscess that needs to be treated by a dentist sooner rather than later.

Loose Teeth

As children, we expect our teeth to become loose, and we rather enjoy the process because the Tooth Fairy will leave us a goodie very soon. As teenagers and adults, though, loose teeth are nothing to celebrate. You may be considering waiting a few days to schedule an appointment with the dentist, but loose teeth can be signs of deeper problems and may even lead to infections and other complications. Best to see your dentist quickly.

Pain While Chewing

If you notice a sharp pain when you chew, a bridge, crown or implant may have come loose. Yes, you could probably persevere for a few days, but you may do more damage to the area. Implants that have come out of the bone or crowns that fit improperly to the tooth may cause irritation to your gums or allow bacteria to reach below the gum line. You may even get a piece of hard food stuck between the tooth and gums. This type of pain should be evaluated by a dentist right away.

Learn More About Emergency Dental Services. Contact Gallery 57 Dental.

To learn more about emergency dental services, clear orthodontics, veneers and our other services, contact Gallery 57 Dental today to schedule an appointment. You can also contact our New York office on West 57th Street to find out if your dental issue is an emergency by calling 212.246.8700.

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156 W. 56th Street, Suite 903
New York, N.Y. 10019

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Monday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm

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