Gallery57 TV

Floss Talk

Gallery57Dental presents Floss Talk, a video channel to learn about optimizing your oral health to perform your best. Each mini-segment contains Gallery57Dental dentists, discussing oral health topics with a healthcare professional.

Stay tuned to our YouTube Floss Talk channel for the latest tips to enable you to look great, feel amazing, and achieve your best.

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- “Fear of dental treatment may keep patients from seeking or delaying care until there is an emergency, often resulting in pain and additional oral health issues. Ironically, phobic patients may wind up needing more extensive treatment than they would have…
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- Did you know just one tic tac is enough to turn your mouth acidic for two hours? Getting adequate nutrition as a vegetarian or vegan may be difficult and your teeth may not be getting what they need to stay…
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156 W. 56th Street, Suite 903
New York, N.Y. 10019

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm

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