Repair the smile’s appearance and function using dental implants

istock 1167775436 Patients of the New York, NY area who are missing teeth and are seeking a permanent solution to their tooth loss might want to speak to the team at Gallery 57 Dental about the benefits of dental implants. Dental implants are one of several tooth restoration options available to patients and continues to be the most popular option for permanent tooth replacement.

What is a dental implant?

The dentists of Gallery 57 Dental describe dental implants as restorations made of metal that are placed into the bone of the jaw and act as a tooth root replacement. These titanium posts have an abutment that sits above the gumline and acts as a foundation for a wide range of options. The implant can be restored with a:

  • Crown
  • Dental bridge
  • Full denture

This versatility makes it a popular choice for many of our patients, and continues to be highly recommended for patients considering more permanent options than partial dentures.

Why patients like dental implants

There are a few reasons why patients consider dental implants. First off, they offer long-term replacement. When patients take good care of their smile with brushing, flossing, and routine visits to the dentist, they can enjoy their dental implant for life! Additionally, dental implants are versatile, allowing patients to replace one, several, or all the teeth in the dental arch. With implant-retained dentures, patients can achieve a restoration that fits better and functions properly so they can enjoy all their favorite foods with a stable and sturdy tooth replacement option. While dental implants are often the most expensive of the tooth replacement options, they are a smart investment due to their longevity with routine care. Many patients consider implants as an investment in their smile!

Ask the team of Gallery 57 Dental about dental implants

If you live in the area of New York, NY and are considering the benefits of dental implants, contact the team at Gallery 57 Dental today to request an appointment. Call 212.246.8700 to request an appointment with our dentists and get started by taking the first step towards tooth replacement with dental implants.

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156 W. 56th Street, Suite 903
New York, N.Y. 10019

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm

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