“Do I have to go?” Dental Checkup Reminders – What’s It All About This Time?

By: Liza Alicea  BA, RDH


This is a friendly reminder from Gallery57Dental that you are due for a dental check up…”

Once upon a time, we used to print this phrase or a similar message on a postcard. Patients would stick them on a refrigerator door with a fruity magnet, reminding them to call the office for an appointment.

Now these reminders come in an email or text message, conveying the same message.

“We haven’t seen you in awhile, please call the office and make an appointment. We are about your oral health.”

Why Do I Have To Go?

But what exactly is that dental check up you’re due for? Is it just a dental cleaning? Do you need radiographs? Do you need to see the doctor? The answer is possibly yes to all three.

Nothing hurts, you say..well that doesn’t mean things aren’t happening in the mouth. Every time we eat acid forms along the oral cavity, aiding digestion. For some mouths this happens quickly and without incident or notice.

For other mouths, especially dry ones, the process can take a little longer. Sooner than you know it, those benign yogurts you were eating as a midnight snack has added a new cavity. How big that cavity gets and how much work you will need to repair it, all depends on the preventative measures taken to grade the risk. We may need some diagnostic imaging, such as radiographs. Unfortunately our doctors cannot see below the surface, yet.


That’s What A Dental Checkup Is About. Prevention.

During the pandemic some of us may have developed some interesting coping mechanisms. Too much coffee, not enough sleep, a lot of tea, all-day wine, some chocolate, an exuberant amount of blueberries..the list goes on and on.

Whatever it was, some of these food items may have caused extra staining on the teeth. During the dental cleaning, that’s one of the things we address. You leave with a freshened smile and assurances that all is well in that small universe we call the mouth.

A dental checkup is all about self-care.  Whichever the motivation, whether self care or curiosity, schedule your dental checkup. It’s time. The team is here to help you achieve your best smile.

Liza Alicea is one of Gallery57Dental’s awesome hygienists, who help keep your pearly whites shiny and healthy all-year- long.

 Call 212.246.8700 to find out more information or click here to schedule an appointment with Gallery57Dental. Follow Gallery 57 Dental on Facebook here!

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?

* All indicated fields must be completed. Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.


156 W. 56th Street, Suite 903
New York, N.Y. 10019

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm

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