by Diane Koenigsberg
It’s the season for flowers, chocolate and, best of all, kisses and more kisses. How often is something that feels so good, also so good for you? A passionate smooch can improve your oral health and may even strengthen your heart and burn calories.
Philematology, the scientific study of kissing, has uncovered an explanation for the upheaval this simple act can bring on. Our brain is structured to pick up delicious signals from our lips, tongue, nose and cheek areas around the mouth each time we kiss. This encourages us to lock lips as often as possible, leading to (among other things) a whole variety of health perks.
–Improve your oral health. The extra saliva we generate during a long smooch can help break down oral plaque, washing bacteria off your teeth. It doesn’t take the place of flossing, but its oral health at its most fun.
–The right kiss can lead to happily ever after. Each time we lock lips, what we smell, taste, hear and feel influences whether or not there will be a second kiss.
–Smooching burns calories. Not quite as many as doing jumping jacks or running on a treadmill, but if you are studious it can consume two calories a minute. If things really get acrobatic, it can be the equivalent of a brisk walk.
–Look as young as you feel. An enthusiastic make out session gives your facial muscles a hearty workout and can tone your neck and jawline.
-Kissing releases tension. It makes you feel Zen by increasing levels of oxytocin, the body’s natural calming chemical. And feeling a sense of well-being and pleasure are building blocks to living a long and full life.
Happy Valentine’s Day! Indulge in everything this holiday has to offer and feel free to report the health benefits you discover!