Keeping It Clean: How to keep your smile white while helping the environment!

By: Dr. Samantha Rawdin

Very rarely do we find products that both we and our patients can get excited about. So, when we stumbled upon the Koffie Straw , needless to say, we were pretty stoked. Then, when we found out that we could put our logo on them…well… it was nothing short of a ticker floss-tape parade around here.

Here’s why these straws are our new favorite things since fluoridated toothpaste:

  1. You can drink your coffee without having to worry about staining your teeth. The design of the Koffie Straw directs whatever liquid you’re drinking behind your front teeth so stains can’t linger where you can see them. Plus, the shape fits perfectly into your favorite on-the-go lid to allow for no-spill enjoyment of your beverage.
  2. They don’t leach harmful chemicals. Koffie Straws are made of 100% FDA certified silicone, which means they’re dishwasher safe and won’t leach harmful chemicals such as BPA when used to drink hot beverages.
  3. They’re reusable. We know this has been a hot-button issue lately. Though plastic straws are VERY highly used (about 500 million per day in the US alone), they are the 7th most common trash item found on beaches and make up less than 4% of trash in landfills and waterways. That being said, every little bit we can do helps to protect our environment! Limiting our use of plastic straws is an easy and fun way to start. And, the individual plastic wrapping that the straws come in is biodegradable.

If you’re a coffee or tea drinker and want to get in on the action, visit us during our Patient Appreciation Week from November 26-30 to get your Gallery57Dental Koffie Straw!

Want to win a free in-office Zoom whitening session to make your white smile even whiter?  It’s easy! Just post a pic of yourself  using your G57 Koffie Straw with your favorite beverage on social media (Facebook or Instagram) leaving hashtag #g57dkoffiestraw  and be entered to win. Winner will be announced Monday, December 10.

Follow Gallery 57 Dental on Facebook here!

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