Are PFASs In Dental Floss Harmful To Your Health?

By: Dr. Andrew Koenigsberg

There has been some recent news about an article in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (2019) that found an increase in “per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)” in people who used some types of floss.

What are PFAS?

floss PFASs are found in many products as they are used in nonstick and water-, stain-, or grease-resistant coatings. They are applied to a diverse range of products, including food packaging, cookware, carpet, furniture, textiles, and outdoor performance gear.

They are also used in some of the Glide Flosses as they make the floss “slipperier” and easier to get in tight spaces.

Are PFASs In Floss Harmful?

For patients who are concerned, they should choose an un-waxed floss. The American Dental Association’s The ADA, (American Dental Association), released a statement saying,“the ADA Science Institute finds the data insufficient to support the conclusions presented in this research and associated media coverage.”

The statement adds, “The ADA sees no cause for concern based on current evidence, and above all continues to encourage people to clean between their teeth daily with floss or other interdental cleaner as part of the ADA’s daily oral hygiene recommendations.”  In other words in addition to visiting us for preventative care every six months, brush and floss daily to maintain a healthy, functional and beautiful smile!

If you have any questions about this or any other dental issues, feel free to  email us at or call us at (212)246-8700. Follow Gallery 57 Dental on Facebook here!

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