It’s time to gobble turkey and all the fixings until we’re stuffed. Think about skipping the marshmallow-covered sweet potatoes and instead choose foods that are nutritious and beneficial to your oral health. Here are some tips on how to protect your pearly whites and still enjoy everything this holiday has to offer.
Turkey – The centerpiece of our Thanksgiving dinner contains phosphorous, which is needed for tooth development. It also rebuilds the enamel of the teeth, damaged by acid-producing bacteria.
Cranberries – Nothing goes better with turkey than a tart mouthful of cranberries. Feel free to have seconds. It contains flavonoids, which hinder bacteria from sticking to the teeth and forming dental plaque.
Greens and winter vegetables are great sources of vitamins A and C. These prevent soft, bleeding gums and protect against oral cancer.
Sweet potatoes – Sweet potatoes are extremely nutritious once you remove the marshmallows. Potatoes in general do not stick to your teeth like other starchy foods.
Cheese – Visit and revisit the cheese platter. Not only does dairy help build strong bones, but also strengthens teeth.
Dessert – Go nuts with almonds and cashews, which are rich in vitamins and the crunch can reduce plaque on teeth. It’s okay to indulge in grandma’s pies, after all this is a celebration. But make sure to floss and brush after the fun is over!