It’s Never Too Late For A Great Smile

Invisalign New York N.Y. We here at Gallery 57 Dental have seen so many smiles through the years, but the most memorable ones come with happy, confident people. Confidence is key to expressing yourself, and nothing ruins confidence like self-consciousness about your teeth. If you’re ready to learn more about your options for a better smile, without the obvious look of traditional braces, keep reading!

You’ve probably heard of Clear Orthodontic Aligners, though you may not know the specific term. Clear Orthodontic Aligners are hard, clear trays that you wear every day to help straighten teeth, correct overcrowding, and improve your smile overall. One of the biggest benefits of Clear Orthodontic Aligners over traditional braces is the fact that they are removable. That means no getting food stuck in your braces, and no new tricks to learn how to brush your teeth.

We’re sure you have questions about this life-changing treatment. Are you a good candidate? Who are the best candidates?

  • Adults or teenagers

Both teenagers and adults are great candidates for Clear Orthodontic Aligners, as they are designed to help correct smiles that aren’t just starting to shift.

  • Low-visibility correction with amazing results

Some people are hesitant to correct their smiles because they worry how braces will impact their ability to run their business or speak publicly. Clear Orthodontic Aligners are subtle and can be removed for short periods of time if necessary.

  • Straightening teeth

Crooked teeth can be nudged back into place with some gentle nudging from a series of Clear Orthodontic Aligners.

  • Giving crowded teeth more space

Crowded teeth can also be corrected by daily wear of Clear Orthodontic Aligners. Depending on the severity of the crowding, length of time to wear aligners may vary.

  • Willing to wear aligners at least 22 hours/day

The key to an amazing smile is commitment to the process. Results will be much more dramatic in patients who wear their aligners long enough to correct teeth properly.

If any of these sound like you, then why hesitate to improve that smile and grow your confidence? Give us a call today at 212.246.8700 for a consultation! Our expert Dentists are here to help you each step of the way.

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156 W. 56th Street, Suite 903
New York, N.Y. 10019

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm

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