Celebrating Dental Assistant Recognition Week – Let’s Get To Know Them!

We’re celebrating Dental Assistant Recognition Week 2016,  or “ladies in attendance” as they were called in the 1800’s! Here’s a few things you may not know about our dedicated, hardworking bunch! We couldn’t do it without you!


IMG_1295Wioletta Lazarz – Their fearless leader! “I’m a graphic designer. It was hard to find work and tried something else- found an ad and the rest is history!”

“If I can hear from a patient that their visit was excellent and they are smiling when they’re leaving, that’s a great feeling!”

“I like hiking, taking lots of photos and making graphic drawings. I also love to read and cook. My favorite color is navy blue.”



IMG_1263 Khyati Joshi –
“The favorite part of my work is helping patients. Especially when they’re nervous, talking them through the procedure and calming them down.”

“I want to go to the Grand Canyon.”

“My favorite food is Punjabi food and Paneer with Naan.”




Landra Kydd – “Most of my family is in the medical field, but I’m happy I chose to work in the dental field.”

“I like to try new things and consider myself to be an adrenaline junkie, I hope to go skydiving one day. I’m on a mission to visit all 50 states!”

“My next vacation I hope will be to Thailand and my favorite color is black.”



IMG_1289Diana Dai – “I do the best I can assisting and like to help make patient feel comfortable with treatment.”

“I like to sing and listen to music. I want to go to China to see my father.”

“I like seafood and my favorite colors are white and blue.”




IMG_1255Tatiana Soime – “The best part is how everyday something is new!”

“I love to watch movies. My favorite colors are pink and black. And I love pizza!”

“For my next vacation I would like to travel to Thailand.”



IMG_1281Asha Soondaruall – “I became a dental assistant because I have a fascination with teeth and gums. My favorite part of my work is helping patients understand the importance of good oral health care.”

“I like to help my co workers, meditate. My favorite food is peanut butter and banana sandwiches and my favorite color is hot pink.”

“I would like to go to the Vatican and meet Pope Francis.”



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New York, N.Y. 10019

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Monday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 7:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 3:00pm

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