Paying Lip Service To Mouth Cancer

Is blue the new red? It is in England! The British Dental Foundation is asking everyone to wear blue lipstick, or blue plastic lips to call attention to Mouth Cancer Action Month for all of November.

They hope that this will help boost awareness of the disease and get everyone talking about mouth cancer, the risk factors involved, the signs and symptoms, and what we can all do to help reduce the risk.

Oral and pharyngeal cancer (cancer of the mouth and upper throat) collectively kills nearly one person every hour of every day of the year. Of the people newly diagnosed with these cancers, only about 60% will live longer than 5 years. Moreover, many who do survive suffer long-term problems such as severe facial disfigurement or difficulties eating and speaking. The death rate associated with oral and pharyngeal cancers remains particularly high due to the cancer being routinely discovered late in its development.

How about we support our UK neighbors and pucker up in blue for this worthwhile cause?

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